Action 13 – Can the Dawn Chorus help save our species?

Please join us for our fourth ‘Connemara Conservation Conversation’ and help us by spreading the word. 

In conversation with Joe Lennon – Chairman of BirdWatch Ireland,  Wicklow Branch – Can the Dawn Chorus help save our species? 14 April at 7.30pm. Free Event  

Since the first lockdown last year, more people than ever have been listening to birds singing....

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Action 11 – Ash dieback – a loss for the nation

Please join us for our third ‘Connemara Conservation Conversation’ and help us by spreading the word. 
In conversation with Frances Giaquinto CEnv MCIEEM. Ash dieback – a loss for the nation. 31 March at 7.30pm

Invasive alien tree pathogens could become the environmental tragedy of our times. Here, the spread of ash dieback disease in Ireland and elsewhere in Europe is described, and the potential for the arrival and spread of other lethal tree diseases is explained....

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Action 10 – Where have all the salmon gone?

Please join us for our second ‘Connemara Conservation Conversation’ and help us by spreading the word. 
In conversation with John Murphy. Where have all the salmon gone? 24 March 2021 at 7.30pm

Salmon Watch Ireland has highlighted, since it’s inception in 2004, the alarming decline of Atlantic salmon and sea trout in Ireland.

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Action 9 – Saving an ancient species under threat

Choose to do something Green starting on St Patrick’s Day…17th March 2021 at 7.30pm

Join us for our spring series of ‘Connemara Conservation Conversations’. This St Patrick’s Day we are in conversation with Marie Louise Heffernan CEnv MCIEEM, The Ecology Centre Letterfrack


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Action 8 – Choose sustainable fish stocks

Choosing to eat fish from sustainable sources is an important way to help our oceans. 90% of our world fish stocks are fully or over-exploited from fishing and destructive fishing practices are damaging sensitive habitats and accidently catching other marine wildlife.

Globally fish farming (also known as aquaculture) is rapidly expanding to fulfil our increasing demand, but if fish farming is done badly it can also damage the environment in which it operates....

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Action 7 – Hedgerows are corridors for wildlife

Hedges are a haven for wildlife and lend beauty and character to our countryside, outlasting fencing by many years.

If you are thinking about creating your very own native hedgerow, then the best time to do so is between October to late March.  As woody plants are not in active growth and are available to buy cheaply as bare-root specimens or as young whips....

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Action 6 – Make a seaweed cough remedy

Carraigin moss seaweed is a remedy for a cough as Carraigin has antiviral properties and also shifts phlegm from the chest. Carraigín means ‘little rock’, a description that aptly sums up the steadfast and unshakable position this delicate sea plant has traditionally held in Ireland for many generations. The name ‘Carrageen’ was introduced around 1830 and most likely came from Carrigan Head in County Donegal in north-western Ireland....

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Action 5 – Gardening for bees

An action that might inspire all armchair gardeners and those of us that are longing to get out into nature is to consider planting for bees.  There are some useful links below and many garden centres have dedicated sections on their website highlighting plants that are attractive to bees and to pollinators....

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Action 4 – Make a seaweed fertilizer

A love of gardening, an interest in the natural world, a growing collection of articles on the benefits of seaweed as source of nutrition and a 5km travel ban led to this blog.  One of the highlights of the  Green Festival was a  walk on Renvyle Strand, led by committee member Marie Louise Heffernan, on edible seaweeds....

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Action 3 – Watch this and see how you can make a difference

We all know and love Sir David Attenborough, the English broadcaster, writer, and naturalist noted for his innovative educational television programs, especially the nine-part Life series. In his 93 years, David Attenborough has visited every continent on the globe, exploring the wild places of our planet and documenting the living world in all its variety and wonder....

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Action 2 – Call to action to plant a tree!

Planting trees is an investment in the future and there is something very uplifting about seeing a tree that started life as small sapling, reaching for the sky!  There are trees and hedgerow shrubs for every situation and the good news is that now is the season to plant bare rooted trees....

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Action 1 – Counting for Conservation

Want to do something useful for Conservation in this next phase of lockdown? Let’s forget COVID and concentrate on Corvids (crows) and other birds visiting our gardens in winter! Annually around 800 people count their gardens and return the data Birdwatch Ireland – it would be great if you would take part?...

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