Action 11 – Ash dieback – a loss for the nation

Please join us for our third ‘Connemara Conservation Conversation’ and help us by spreading the word. 
In conversation with Frances Giaquinto CEnv MCIEEM. Ash dieback – a loss for the nation. 31 March at 7.30pm

Invasive alien tree pathogens could become the environmental tragedy of our times. Here, the spread of ash dieback disease in Ireland and elsewhere in Europe is described, and the potential for the arrival and spread of other lethal tree diseases is explained. The actions we can take to halt the spread of these and other invasive organisms is highlighted.  Dr Frances Giaquinto CEnv MCIEEM is an independent plant ecologist, chartered environmentalist, and a full member of the Chartered Institute of Environmental and Ecological Management (CIEEM). Fran has a 35-year record of delivering evidence-based solutions to complex environmental problems, focusing on the restoration of damaged habitats and the protection of biodiversity. Her life-long interest is the symbiotic relationships between plants, fungi, and insects in the natural environment. She is widely published and named inventor on 4 patents.

31 March at 7.30pm  Free Event

Link to book:

Each talk will be approximately 35 minutes with time for Q & A’s after. A recording of each conversation will be posted to the Connemara Green website after each session for replay.

Our aim is to increase the awareness of the conservation actions in our area. Topics will focus on conservation with inspiring speakers and conservations on bringing talk into action.

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