Please join us for our fourth ‘Connemara Conservation Conversation’ and help us by spreading the word.
In conversation with Joe Lennon – Chairman of BirdWatch Ireland, Wicklow Branch – Can the Dawn Chorus help save our species? 14 April at 7.30pm. Free Event
Since the first lockdown last year, more people than ever have been listening to birds singing. Identifying those birds through their songs and learning more about them can lead us to better understand how we can help conserve their species – and ours!.
Joe Lennon is Chairman of the BirdWatch Ireland Wicklow Branch. He is a skilled fieldwork volunteer with the Countryside Bird Survey and the Irish Wetland Bird Survey (I-WeBS), both jointly run by BirdWatch Ireland and the National Parks and Wildlife Service. Joe first started watching birds in his native County Louth when he was nine years old and has had a lifelong interest in nature and conservation.
Link to booking for this free event
Each talk will be approximately 35 minutes with time for Q & A’s after. A recording of each conversation will be posted to the Connemara Green website after each session for replay.
Our aim is to increase the awareness of the conservation actions in our area. Topics will focus on conservation with inspiring speakers and conservations on bringing talk into action.